Mortal Kombat Trilogy

As Earth's sworn protector, Rayden finds himself banished in the merger between Earth and Outworld. When the Elder Gods refuse to assist him in aiding the Earth, he is forced to take matters into his own hands. He transforms himself into a mortal warrior to fight alongside his human comrades - this time risking his place in the pantheon of gods and giving up his own immortality.

Special Moves

Lightning Blast:Down, Forward, Low Punch.
Reverse Lightning Blast:Down, Back, Low Punch.
Torpedo:Back, Back, Forward. (Can also be done in air)
Teleport:Down, Up.
Shocker:Hold High Punch for 3 Seconds and release next to your foe.

Basic Combos

Combo 1:High Punch, High Punch, Down + Low Punch, Low Punch.
Combo 2:High Kick, High Kick, Low Kick, Back + High Kick.

Finishing Moves

Fatality 1:(Close) Hold High Punch for 3 Seconds and release.
Fatality 2:Hold Low Kick for 3 Seconds and release, then tap Block + Low Kick rapidly.
Animality:(Outside Sweep) Down, Forward, Down, High Kick.
Babality:Down, Down, Up, High Kick.
Friendship:Down, Back, Forward, High Kick.
Stage Fatalities:Down, Down, Down, High Punch.
Brutality:High Punch, High Punch, Low Kick, Low Kick, Low Kick, High Kick, Low Punch, Low Punch, Low Punch, Block, Block.


When Outworld and Earth merge, Raiden finds himself battling Shao Kahn without the assistance of the Elder Gods. The Thunder God must transform into a mortal in order to exist in the combined realms.

When he does this, he puts his own immortality at risk. But Raiden has always found ways of fouling Kahn's plots. He guides the chosen Earth warriors into battle against the Outworld Emperor's armies, then finally faces Kahn himself.

The powerful beings fight until the very core of the Earth is shaken, and Raiden emerges victorious.


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