Mortal Kombat Trilogy
Kung Lao

Kung Lao has no bio in this game.

Special Moves

Hat Throw:Back, Forward, Low Punch.
Teleport:Down, Up.
Dive Kick:(In Air) Down + High Kick.
Torpedo:Back, Back, Forward.
Spin:Up, Up, Low Kick. (Tap Low Kick to keep spinning)

Basic Combos

Combo 1:High Punch, Down + Low Punch, Down + Low Punch, Down + Low Punch.
Combo 2:High Kick, High Kick, Low Kick, High Kick, Back + High Kick.

Finishing Moves

Fatality 1:(One Screen Away) (Hold Low Punch) Back, Back, Forward, (Release Low Punch). As hat reaches your foe's neck press Up.
Babality:Forward, Forward, Back, Back, High Kick.
Friendship:Back, Back, Back, Down, High Kick.
Stage Fatalities:Forward, Forward, Forward, High Punch.
Brutality:High Punch, Low Punch, High Kick, High Kick, Low Punch, Low Punch, Low Punch, Low Kick, Low Kick, Block, High Punch.


When Shao Kahn invades Earth, Kung Lao must scrap his plans of reuniting the White Lotus Society. He instead must focus on the new tournament. He seeks Liu Kang and together they battle Kahn's forces fearlessly.

Using the knowledge he obtained as a Shaolin Monk, he fights in the name of his great ancestor- the original Kung Lao. He emerges victorious but suffers from injuries during battle with Kahn. Believed to have passed away, Kung Lao joins his ancestors in a new life.


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