A Mercenary, Thug, Extortionist Thief - Kano lives a life of crime and injustice. He is a devoted member of the Black Dragon, a dangerous group of Cut-Throat Madmen feared and respected throughout all of crime's Inner Circles.
Cannonball: Press away from opponent, then circle counter-clockwise.
Knife Throw: (Hold Block) Back, Forward.
Fatality: Back, Down, Forward, Low Punch. (at close range)
With the defeat of Goro and Shang Tsung, Kano will bring his own brand of treachery to the Tournament. His Black Dragon organization forms a monopoly over the contest that brings Shame and Torment to all those involved.
Their reign will end in anarchy and death. It will result in the final dismantling of the Tournament and the Battle of the Sans.