Every Friday, the fight Center brings you the latest Mortal Kombat action. As Earth Realm and Outworld fighters compete for the championship, the Fight Center will show you all of the action.

So Prepare for Mortal Kombat!

ROUND 1 - Friday at NOON (Pacific Time)
ROUND 2 - Saturday at NOON (Pacific Time)
ROUND 3 - Sunday at NOON (Pacific Time)

Welcome to Mortal Kombat: Federation Of Martial Arts - Fights History. Here you can view all fights that has been in MK:FOMA.

Known Dates:

October 1, 2001*
No new updates

Friday, October 20, 2000*
Kitana vs Jimmy Cage

Wednesday, September 13, 2000*
FOMA starts

* Confirmed dates.

Fight history from The Kingdom of MK.